We are in need of more members and obviously that will only occur if what is offered is appealing.
We have chosen to ask you the members, potential members and visitors to tell us what you would like rather than for us to tell you what you can have, i.e. we are not a government body!
The requirements to become a member are such that possibly more than 40% of those living in South Africa are eligible.
The Association was formed in 1934 to enable both Australian and New Zealanders with common interests to meet socially whilst living and/or
working in South Africa.
It was never the intention not to mix with our South African hosts. In fact there are probably more South African citizens who are members than the combined total of the rest.
ANZA is a social non profit organisation that primarily organises events that are purely social though we do try to give to a different deserving charity each year when funds are available. This year we chose Guide Dogs for the Blind.
One option to qualify for membership is to have children who have emigrated to either Australia or New Zealand.
A sample of recent events includes:
1. Our AGM followed by a magic buffet lunch at the Royal Natal Yacht Club. The AGM was short because the lunch was probably the draw card.

The recent Car Rally was professionally put together by "The Traffic Guy" Johann von Bargen from East Coast Radio,

3. A potjiekos competition held at the Beachwood Mangrove

4. Our BeirFest has always been a winner. All attending are asked to bring something of value that no longer appeals to the owner and is then auctioned.
Lots of fun, a jovial competition with bids and an easy way to raise funds.
A traditional Maori feast involving underground cooking of selected meat/s and vegetables.
What is required is input from visitors and members to apply their minds on how to add popular events, increase membership and generally boost appeal.
Anyone may contact the committee members below to discuss attending events as a visitor, assistance with possible membership, receive Newsletters, propose new events or modifying existing events.
Comments can also be given by clicking on the text "No Comments" below this posting The quoted text will change as the number of comments grows e.g.
President - Andy Tribe 031 262 6819(h) / 073 808 9986
Chairman - Eleanor Brosnihan 031 314 4630 / 072 156 6097
Deputy Chairman - Jane Murray 031 209 6408/ 082 454 6888
Treasurer - Any volunteers from members?
Secretary - Glenda Dee 031 262 2358 / 078 174 2529
Scribe - Gina and Geoff Marder 031 764 5949 / 083 269 1691
Honorary Strategic Planner - David Brosnihan 031 314 4630 / 083 309 6597
Robyn Geisler - 031 7657212 / 082 925 5690
Pam von Aulock - 031 262 9162 / 087 334 9863
Tish Adams - 031 563 5031 / 079 254 0512
Lynne Johnson - 031 312 5411 / 082 921 3006
Consider a Wine Tasting
eThekwini Online - Clubs and Societies Index
The official site of the city of Durban, contains
information about all aspects of Durban.
This is an alphabetical list of Clubs and Societies
in Durban and surrounds.
Notices in libraries are also sometimes useful. The
Umghlanga magazine 'The Ridge' and other similar ones
in different areas e.g. in Hillcrest might advertise
functions and publish photographs.
Hi to Anonymous R B
Thanks for your feedback both via the web and directly to the committee via Dave.
You did not do anything technically incorrect thoigh from our side the ANZA email is not often checked due to very low treaffic. I am going to create a more effective "Contact Us" option that will go to all committee members and allow all to contribute to the best appropriate response expeditously. (not sure if that is correct expression but it should indicate our eagerness to give members what they want rather than what we think they should get)
I will respond directly to you within a couple of days and modify the web accordingly. You have been included in my response to the committee.
Have an enjoyable festive season.
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