Thursday, 8 December 2016

2016 Charity Donation Feedback letter from Di Turner representing The Guide Dogs for the Blind

" ANZA Members

Dear Andy and Members,
Thank you so much for your generous donation. The amount of R8, 000.00 is very much appreciated by the South African Guide Dogs Association for the Blind. The tax certificate will follow shortly from the JHB office.
I would also like to thank you all for a really fantastic lunch as well, I thoroughly enjoyed it and the company!!
Every cent you donate directly supports Guide Dog’s services that equip, empower and educate those who are blind or vision impaired, of all ages.
Guide Dogs receives no funding for our Guide Dog training program. All our services are funded and sustained by your donations and

community support. We supplement these costs with income derived from business initiatives and merchandise and raffle ticket sales. It is only through your ongoing support that we can continue to provide our life-changing services to our clients at no cost.
We need the community’s support more than ever as we grow to meet the demands of the community. Your contribution is vital to our ongoing ability to make a difference in the lives of those in need. The impact and positive change that we are able to make to so many in our cities, towns and regions is only possible with your ongoing support and willingness to help us make a difference.
Our Guide Dogs are the furry faces of our organisation, but they are just one small part of what we do and how we can help you. We are passionate about finding the best mobility solutions to match needs and the Orientation and Mobility College trains teachers how to help people with low or no vision develop the knowledge, skills and strategies they require to safely move through different environments and allow them to feel confident while doing so.
By giving a donation today, you have made a life changing difference to those who are blind or have low vision. Thank you once again for your support!
With kind regards,
yours sincerely,
Di Turner.
PRO/Fundraiser - KwaZulu Natal"

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