Please use the contact email link below if you simply wish to make contact.

The Association is still strong though we need to increase membership.
Any suggestions that might encourage greater numbers including younger members to attend will be appreciated.
Preferred: Please submit to this email address

Using this address from your personal email client you are able to retain a copy of what was sent..Secondly all emails to this address are automatically forwarded to the current Committee If you wish to remain anonymous you can do so by commenting at the end of any blog post by clicking on "Comment". If there have not yet been any comments click on "No Comments".

Contact details for individual Committee Members are given on the COMMITTEE page.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This Blogspot is not used as much as it could be. At this point in time anyone can comment about any posting on the home page (the opening page).
Any comment can be Anonymous or one can Choose an identity before submitting.

If anyone would like to post any sort of feedback it can be submitted to one of the email addresses or

Visitors may choose not to visit the site because it does not update that often. However if you would like to see all new items as and when they are published you can submit your email address in the space provided near the top left of the HOME page "Follow by Email". Members current and past can request permission to become a contributor and an invitation can be sent.

This comment is from Andy Tribe but sent as ANONYMOUS. The only reason my name is shown is that I chose to include it within the text of the comment.

Comments are not restricted in any way though if at any stage rubbish was forthcoming the comments can be set to be censored before publishing.

When this site was established the option to be a follower was taken up by 7 supporters of ANZA KZN. Since then no one has availed themselves of the option to be a "Follower". The option is open and to be a follower you need to have a Gmail account.

It is a fact that ANZA KZN is not an Australian and New Zealand private group of aliens. At least half of the members are from many other countries including a large number from South Africa.
Non members can join us at any of the functions! Cost is the same as members.