Next Event -  Sunday, 24th November 2019

2019 AGM and BRAAI
Again this event starts with the AGM that is relatively short and informative followed by a BRAAI catered for by Bert Tuhi supplying a choice of Braai packs.
Beverages available from on-site Boot and Spur bar. (opens about 11am)
Your guests are welcome  to attend the AGM though they may skip the AGM and arrive at about 13h00 to join us for a sumptuous meal that is to die for.
Details                    JOIN   THE  FUN
Date:  Sunday, 24th November 2019
Time: 11h30 for 12h00 AGM and 1 pm for lunch
Location:  N M R site opposite Durban Country Club at the ground level Boma
Cost: R100-00 per person
Food:               1.    Steak and Wors          2. Lamb and Pork sausages          3. Chicken
A variety of Salads and garlic rolls provided by the current committee are included.
Booking is essential
For catering we need to know your choice of Braai Pack so please nominate choice when booking.
Please book early on or before 19th November, by contacting either Dave on 083 309 6597 or Ellie Brosnihan on 031 314 4630  or  email  brossies@ iactive.co.za
Details prepared by: The  PRESDENT of ANZA, Geoff & CHAIRMAN ,  Eleanor Brosnihan
Payment for the Lunch and subs may be by cash on arrival or by EFT if preferred.
The subs for 2019 have not been invoiced and are now payable. Those who joined during 2019 and paid subs  are up to date. The subs for 2020 are payable and can be paid now or when invoiced early in the new year.
Banking Details:
Branch Code: 042826   Westville
Account Name: ANZA
Account Number:   053818415

You may  BOOK EARLY with any committee members listed below and nominate your choice of Braai packs from the above list. 

Glenda Dee 031 262 2358 / 078 174 2529
Eleanor Brosnihan 031 314 4630 / 072 156 6097
Jane Murray - 031 209 6408/ 082 454 6888
Gina Marder 031 764 5949 / 083 269 1691 
Robyn Geisler - 031 7657212 / 082 925 5690
Lynne Johnson - 031 572 2874 / 082 921 3006
Bert Tuhi - 082 491 5651 

Andy Tribe – 073 808 9986 / 031 262 6819

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