Thursday, 8 December 2016

Our Guest Speaker at our 2016 ANZAC Day Memorial Service, Tony Park and his wife Nicola are very much involved with life in Southern Arfrica

ANZA's Pam von Aulock submitted this interesting website article about Tony Park's latest interests and new novel. The novel is set in KwaZulu-Natal

click here to visit site for the rest of this story

Here is an entry paragraph. 

"Making your time in Hwange count"
Tony Park
Friday, 2nd December 2016

At thirteen minutes to midnight I looked over my shoulder. My blood temperature dropped to match the chilly Hwange night. There he was, hugely muscled with a big black mane, padding silently, dangerously under the full moon.
The fully-grown male lion stood six metres behind me. I stood, swaddled in a blanket and beanie, in an open-sided hide at Big Toms, not far from Robins Camp. I could hear my heartbeat and feel the adrenaline. But there was no way I was going to call out to my fellow counters, snoring in their roof tents, in case that big boy decided I was worth a closer look. " 

2016 Charity Donation Feedback letter from Di Turner representing The Guide Dogs for the Blind

" ANZA Members

Dear Andy and Members,
Thank you so much for your generous donation. The amount of R8, 000.00 is very much appreciated by the South African Guide Dogs Association for the Blind. The tax certificate will follow shortly from the JHB office.
I would also like to thank you all for a really fantastic lunch as well, I thoroughly enjoyed it and the company!!
Every cent you donate directly supports Guide Dog’s services that equip, empower and educate those who are blind or vision impaired, of all ages.
Guide Dogs receives no funding for our Guide Dog training program. All our services are funded and sustained by your donations and

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Origin of Visits to this site for the last 30 days

Statistics can be confusing though interesting.

Being based in South Africa it is understandable that the majority of visits from South Afica are more than 50% of the total.

South Africa  176
France              67
United States   34
Germany          12
Ukraine              3
Japan                  2
Côt d’Ivoire       1
Philippines         1

Friday, 2 December 2016

General Appeal for assistance from members and visitors to our functions.

ANZA KwaZulu- Natal, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, needs your assistance.
We are in need of more members and obviously that will only occur if what is offered is appealing.

We have chosen to ask you the members, potential members and visitors to tell us what you would like rather than for us to tell you what you can have, i.e. we are not a government body!

The requirements to become a member are such that possibly more than 40% of those living in South Africa are eligible.
The Association was formed in 1934 to enable both Australian and New Zealanders with common interests to meet socially whilst living and/or

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

South Africans and others Visiting or Citizens needing Passports/Renewals

If anyone  requires assistance: "South Africans and others visiting Australia or New Zealand need visas or Citizens needing Passports or Renewals" please try the Menu Item
 HIGH COMMISSIONS for assistance

Monday, 21 November 2016

Rememberance Day Service at the Durban Cenotaph

Glenda Dee, our long standing secretary and dedicated member laying a wreath on behalf of ANZA KZN on the 13th November 2016 at the Durban Cenotaph.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

2016 AGM

Australia and New Zealand Association - KZN

Annual General Meeting and Buffet Lunch - 2016
This year’s AGM and Buffet Lunch will take place at the Royal Natal Yacht Club Trafalgar Room once again. The buffet lunch is something very special and thanks to Peter Dee we can enjoy the hospitality offered by the RNYC.

There has always been ample protected parking, good service, brilliant food and good suport from members and guests.
Members are asked to attend the AGM starting at 12h00 and scheduled finish at 12h45. this will be followed by a short presentation and donation made to Di Turner from the Guide Dogs for the Blind, this year’s charity beneficiary.
The buffet lunch will follow.

Visitors not attending the AGM should arrive at 12h45.
Royal Natal Yacht Club Location:
Date: 20th November 2016
Time: 11h30 for 12h00 for those attending AGM and 12h45 for visitors attending the presentation and lunch.
Cost: R145-00 pp (Drinks not included.)
Members are reminded that subs are due at the end of October and can be paid at the door or by EFT to the following ANZA Bank account. (R60-00pp)

Name of Account Holder: ANZA
Standard Bank
Branch Code: 042826
Account Number: 053818415

Please indicate details in the reference field and save a copy of the deposit slip to send to the Treasurer. - Allan van Dyk  email:


We will be looking for nominations for a New Treasurer as Allan van Dyk will be stepping down after 5 years of efficient and exemplary service. Thank you Allan.