Saturday, 6 April 2013

Newsletters & Info.

The latest newsletter for March/April is available online and can be found on the "Latest Newsletters" page.

I for one am pleased to see that there is a Hangi scheduled for October as well as other events that have always been popular.

This Blog
The purpose of having this Internet presence is to encourage interested members and friends to receive relevant information and news. Please if you have anything of interest to say or comment on please submit by adding a comment  to any posting or by using the contact us form.  Any feedback coming from the "Contact ANZA-KZN" automatically goes to the committee and subject to the content will be posted.

For spontaneous comments you can click on "comments" at the end of any posting, have your say and do so anonymously if you prefer.

If you would like to be notified whenever there is new content please join as a follower.
If you would like to contribute to the contentplease use the Contact Us form and request permission.

We would welcome content from members living overseas or other provinces who could give us feedback from overseas.

Submitted by
Andy Tribe

1 comment:

Andy Tribe said...

The layout of the site has been modified simply for feedback. You can comment also to offer suggestions and simply have your say.

Having made your comment you can choose to submit one of several ways including anonymously.