Sunday, 19 May 2019


Annual Potjie Competition 2019
(This event has been extremely popular for more than 20 consecutive years)
2019 Potjie competition
DATE:            9th June 2019
TIME:             9h00 at latest for competing teams and any time after 12h00 for visitors.
Judging should be completed about 13h00 or soon after. Many teams and visitors do a breakfast such as bacon and egg rolls whilst socialising during the early part of the day.
VENUE:         Beachwood Mangrove Swamps.
DETAILS:      This has been a very popular, well attended event for many years. The Potjie teams are seriously competitive and determined to win one of the prizes, the first prize being the floating trophy engraved with the name of the winning team. This event will hopefully be the 26th consecutive year without bad weather
COST:            Two different cost structures apply.
Team Members: R30-00 per team member with max team size of 6 and
Visitors:              R60-00 per person with the opportunity to taste all the teams products after the judging has been completed.
RAFFLE     Yes, of course!  Always worth winning.    Contents  significantly worth more.than ever before!
TOURS:         Why not go on a Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife tour, managed by Lynne Johnson’s voluntary tour guide team. 
RULES:         Preferably a No. 3 or No. 4 Pot and all cooking must be done on site.. Food prepping may be done at home. Gas or charcoal/briquettes may be used for cooking.

Bring your own picnic tables and chairs, crockery, cutlery and umbrellas and of course beverages. Believe it or not, water is also a beverage.

Teams must register providing a team name and names of team members. Teams and all visitors must book with Dave or Eleanor Brosnihan or other committee members listed below by 7th June 2019.

To avoid delays in the judging process the number of teams has been  limited. Book early!
Tasting of specific team’s pots will be announced in batches rather than having to wait until all judging is complete.  - SEE NOTICE BELOW
David / Eleanor Brosnihan   031 314 4630  083 309 6597
Robyn Geisler                    031 765 7212  082 925 5690
Glenda Dee                       031 765 2090  078 174 2529
Geoff / Gina Marder            031 764 5949   083 269 1691
   Jane Murray          031 209 6408   082 454 6888
Lynne Johnson      031 572 2874   082 921 3006
Andy Tribe            031 262 6819   073 808 9986
Bert Tuhi                                     082 491 5651

This is a low cost event and any excess income becomes available for
administrative costs and more importantly towards funding our annual charity.

In recent years there has been some confusion as to when those wishing to taste the various competing teams can allow their potjies to be sampled.

The adopted policy for this year is that when a potjie has been judged and that team has put aside their individual portions it will be ready for sampling.

However to preselect a sequence of readiness is not possible due to variances is the estimated cooking and judging times.
A scramble to taste the 1st potjie can negatively affect all tasters to sample that delicacy.

This year we will hold back until at least 3 or 4 potjies are ready and there after a steady flow should become available.

As and when each additional potjie becomes available an announcement will be made giving the location and team name

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