Tuesday, 23 May 2017

ANZA Car Rally 2017 has been scheduled for 25th June 2017

This event was a very popular event!  😂

A very popular event in the past has been a regular family Car Rally.  It was rejuvenated last year and was rated highly popular with Johann von Bargan from Pro Driving Tactics being the organiser with a few cryptic questions.

Johann who is also known as East Coast Radio's "Traffic Guy" will again provide the route and the questionnaire.
The details follow and please note this event is open to the public.
To view and or download a flyer please    click hear. 


Image flyer follows

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Something Quite Different from Australia

One of Sydney's most popular radio stations, 2GB, interviewed Dick Smith who is a very successful businessman, on the issue of immigration in Australia.
Allan Jones who is one of 2GB's most listened to talkback hosts interviewed Dick Smith on this issue of continued immigration and it's impact on major city development.

This interview "says it as it is" and is worth the 15 minutes it takes to listen.
The discussion was recorded as a podcast and can be directly accessed by clicking here.  (It does take a while to load)

Other podcasts and listen live can be reached by going to the website 2GB.com

This is a shift from the norm on the site and we would like some feedback. It might be interesting to create an additional page that has occasional stories from both New Zealand and Australia.

The KZN Heritage, Cultural & Environmental Events Society

The KZN Heritage, Cultural & Environmental Events Society Events list and contacts for May 2017 has been added to the Newsletter page