These statistics shown in the table below vary over time and even though the statistics are not monitored on a regular basis it is strange that the French have shown a significant interest and that Britain, New Zealand and Australia don't feature.
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We have not yet had any visitors from the HUTT RIVER PRINCIPALITY!
At the Waitangi Day Australia Day event I will give a short background to the existence of this unique independent state that came into being on the 20th April 1970. It is a fascinating true story.
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Recently ANZA Members and Visitors were asked to look at some of the interesting posts and links on this site and one of our dedicated committee members Pam von Aulock visited the link to "CAustralian Odyssey" Listed on the lefy side of this page near the bottom.
Pam had this to say:
"just a short one now as its very late.
There is a huge Bible for the “Grey Nomads” with every possible hint, tip and stories you can imagine.
When we were Grey Nomads there was reportedly at any one time 35, 000 of us on the road in various types of campers, motor homes, roof tents,caravans trucks, busses that were converted into luxury or not so luxury homes,motor bikes with side packs, you name it, in Oz it was on the road if you were over 65. My parents were Grey Nomads for 15 years after retirement, they had a caravan and a V8 car, fishing equipment and golf clubs. Catching their own fish they were able to supplement their pension and eat healthy food nearly every day. They installed a freezer in the caravan and always went home to Adelaide after nine months on the road every year with at least 400 garfish or other fish in the freezer. They had wonderful years of following the summer round Australia and were always home at the beachfront in Brighton every Christmas to be with the family. Huge populations from the south, especially Melbourne and Adelaide head north to Queensland or the Northern Territory to get away from the winter. Its a wonderful lifestyle as everywhere there is “free” camping with water, compost toilet and solar shower. Or official municipal camping grounds in every little town and private camping grounds with own space and toilet block/kitchen next to your site. A Campers paradise with clean facilities, often a washing machine and dryer, communal kitchen with gas cookers and stoves, movies in the evening, most often these grounds were close to a beauty spot or beach. We travelled over 27,000 in our motor home without any incidents and saw every corner and state in Australia.
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