Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Newsletter for September / October can be found under NEWSLETTERS

The latest newsletter contains lots of useful information about ANZA, past events and upcoming events. This year represents 80 years since inauguration. To our best knowledge only Canada matches this time span.

It would be great if many younger potential members were to join and expand the range of events to give us a broader appeal to all eligible members in KwaZulu-Natal.

At R60-00 per year membership you can't really afford not being a member.

For further information contact any committee member below.

President - Andy Tribe 031 262 6819(h) /  073 808 9986
Chairman - Eleanor Brosnihan 031 564 6632 / 072 156 6097
Deputy Chairman - Jane Murray 031 209 6408/ 082 454 6888
Treasurer - Allan van Dyk 031 563 7204 / 083 737 9209
Secretary - Glenda Dee 031 262 2358 / 078 174 2529
Scribe - Geoff/Gina Marder 031 764 5949 / 083 269 1691
Honary Strategic Planner - David  Brosnihan  031 031 314 4500 / 083 309 6597
Robyn Geisler 031 7657212 / 082 925 5690
Cheryl an Dyk 031 5637204 / 083 737 9209
Pam von Aulock  031 262 9162 / 087 334 9863
Tish Adams: 031 563 5031 / 079 254 0512