Tuesday, 28 July 2015

ANZA Event for August Rescheduled for 20th September

Go to Future Events Menu for revised status

The  Hangi scheduled for August has been delayed as we are trying to source a way of heating the steel used to cook the food without having a huge fire as in the past.  The event has always had an excellent following and is certainly not cancelled.

Update 5 August 2015 - Late September is  the planned time to get the Hangi scheduled.  The committee is working on a potentially viable method of heating the steel plates used to cook the food.

The original bonfire method is considered dangerous.  As soon as a firm date and details are in place the event will become finalised and published.

1 comment:

Andy Tribe said...

Postponed but definitely not cancelled. The Hangi is one of ANZA's highlights usually held every 2 years.