Thursday, 21 May 2015

The 2015 Potjiekos Cooking Competition

A.N.Z.A. (Australian & New Zealand Association)
Potjiekos  Cooking Competition
Date:    28th June 2015-05-20
Venue:  Beachwood Mangrove Nature Reserve (off Riverside Road Durban North)
2014 The winning Potjiekos was a Plov with a Ukrainian origin
Costs:   per cooking team R20 per member
             Spectators R40 pp which includes sampling all the pots

Time :   +- 09h00 for the cooks
               Spectators 12h00 onwards .Judging will take place from 13h30 onwards

This one of the highlights of our social calendar. If you would like to make up a team of +-6 persons and serve a culinary delight of your choice we would love you to join us. If you would prefer to visit and enjoy this fun day, and taste some excellent fare you are welcome to join us.
2014 event
Please bring your own chairs tables, umbrellas, plate’s cutlery and liquid refreshments

Contact: Eleanor Brosnihan (Chairman ANZA) at 031 3144630 or 0721566097 email:


1 comment:

Andy Tribe said...

Anyone can comment, ask questions etc.
You will be asked to
1. Choose one of the identity categories...Anonymous is easist and if you had wanted to comment in your own name you can include your name in the comment as I have here.
2. the I'm not a robot needs to be checked and a CAPTCHA will ask a question to prove you are not a computer trying to act like a human.
- Andy Tribe