Monday, 31 December 2012

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Communication with ANZA - KZN

1. Any members friends or interested visitors to this blog may submit requests, news, items of interest etc by contacting the association by using the "Contact Us" tab above or send an email to

2. Anyone may comment on any Posting anonymously or otherwise by using the "comments" under the posting.

3. If anyone would like to be notified of any new postings you can join as a follower of the ANZA-KZN blog by becoming a Follower. Use the "Join this site" facility on the left. For those who already use Facebook,Twitter etc. those accounts can be used otherwise one can sign up as a Google member.

4. You can now read all site content in a language of your choice by using the translation option at the bottom right of this page.


The November 2012 Newsletter has been published and the details of the AGM have been provided. The AGM is followed by a Sunday Carvery.

See details from the "Latest Newsletters" tab above.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Beerfest the ANZA way

The Beerfest that was organised by the ANZA KZN Association on Sunday the 6th October was an event that if you missed it you missed out.

It was the major event of the year for charity and one would expect "yeah, good idea. good cause but..."

Wrong this was an event that had the so called WOW factor!

The ANZA committee has with 76 years experience got their act together. I doubt that anyone was disappointed.  The food was worth more than the cost to attend and the vibe was great for both regular attendees and newcomers.

The charity auction was as entertaining as you could ever expect.

People were bidding against their partners for the items that were donated. The winning  bids were more than charitable and Graham and Sue were the perfect hosts.

Congratulations go to the ANZA KZN committee and the auctioneer, I think his name was Chris, entertained as well as extracted the most from a willing audience.

Andy Tribe

Monday, 1 October 2012

Newsletter September 2012

The latest bi monthly Newsletter for September 2012 has been published.
If you are not on the mailing list or have not received it you can read and or download from the "Latest Newsletters" tab above.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Australian Passport Queries Answered

Dear Friends
Melissa Coley, Chief Passport Officer, Australian High Commission, will be in Durban all day on 25 April, as she is coming down to represent the High Commission for the ANZAC Day Service.
Mellssa is making herself available to any one of us needing passport interviews or advice.
Please contact her direct or through Dave Brosnihan - she will be staying at the Suncoast Hotal.
Kind regards
Hope to see you on 25 April.

Contact email for Dave Brosnihan:

Monday, 19 March 2012

60th Anniverary of the accession to the throne of Queen Elizabeth II

The British Cultural an Heritage Association (BCHA) has planned an afternoon tea at the Royal Durban Golf Club, Greyville Racecourse on Saturday 2 June at 1pm to mark this auspicious occasion.

The event costs R110-00 for BCHA Members, R120-00 for tables for tables of 10 or more and R130--00 for members of the public. The price includes tea and champagne for the official toast.

Booking for the general public opens on 2nd April. To book, please phone Brenda or Dave on 031 700 3942 or at the BCHA office 0n 031 202 6174.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Welcome to the Australia and New Zealand Blogspot

The President, Chairman and committee welcome members, friends and interested persons to the new blogspot.  The objective is to keep all informed as to events, news and health of the association. We welcome specific comment, general comment as well as feedback as to the events and activities that are of interest and may be attractive to all.

Even though the association is strong and has a steady number of members we would like ideas what events will attract new younger visitors to join.

Please make use of the "Contact Us" tab to provide feedback and comment.  You can also comment with respect to individual postings anonymously or by name.

If you wish to publish an article that might be of interest to our visitors and members you can use the "Contact Us" tab and type in the space provided or use the email address to send and attached document.

Current and recent past Newsletters are listed and anyone wishing to request email newsletters can request them using the email address on the "Contact Us" page.