Sunday, 15 December 2019

The Future of this ANZA-KZN Blog

There have been mixed feelings about this Blog since it's beginning about 2011 being a form of media to inform viewers and members with regard to continuity of its status, content, acceptance etc.

There are several followers who have entered their email addresses to receive any new content and several members who never accessed the site.

At present there are only 2 Administrators who have authority to add, alter or modify the layout of this site.
Shortly there will be nobody living in South Africa that can administer the site.  If we do not appoint new administrators soon and the site gets cancelled then all of the information, documents, history will be lost forever.

It is therefor recommended that feedback be submitted to any of the Executive Committee as to whether the site should continue or cease to exist.

New administrators with full control or basic contributors who can add posts can easily be appointed.

At present the site is on hold waiting for acceptance or rejection. Your feedback can be submitted to Committee Members listed by clicking below: