The President, Chairman and committee welcome members, friends and interested persons to the new blogspot. The objective is to keep all informed as to events, news and health of the association. We welcome specific comment, general comment as well as feedback as to the events and activities that are of interest and may be attractive to all.
Even though the association is strong and has a steady number of members we would like ideas what events will attract new younger visitors to join.
Please make use of the "Contact Us" tab to provide feedback and comment. You can also comment with respect to individual postings anonymously or by name.
If you wish to publish an article that might be of interest to our visitors and members you can use the "Contact Us" tab and type in the space provided or use the email address to send and attached document.
Current and recent past Newsletters are listed and anyone wishing to request email newsletters can request them using the email address on the "Contact Us" page.